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hair extensions for short hair- new style

hair extensions for short hair- new style statement

Hairs are an important part of our body which just can’t be ignored at all. Those who are suffering from baldness or hair fall are aware of this fact well. Everyone loves to have long and beautiful hairs but those who doesn’t have them know there actual value. Not having proper hairs would not only degrade your looks but also give a wrong impression about your personality. So, science and fashion world have together came out with a solution termed as hair extension. Choosing a right hair extension for short hair is important as well as for long hairs.

Factors to be considered

There are several different factors which you need to keep in mind before selecting the best hair extension for short hairs. One of such factors is length and thickness of your own natural hairs. Another factor to consider before going ahead with hair extension is its color and length. Before purchasing any hair extension kit, it’s advisable to do some net surfing regarding the types and range of hair extensions available in the market.

Apply it carefully

To get maximum appeal from the hair extension, two of the most important factors on which you need to pay attention are the type of extension you are buying and its perfect application of the extension on your hairs and scalp. You can apply it by yourself if you are a regular user. Whereas if you are purchasing extension for the first time then you can take help of a professional for applying it. Once you get to know the procedure for applying it, you can do it by yourself from the next time.

Glue it up

Hair extensions for short hairs come with glued application as well as in the form of that material which can fused with heat. Although, gluing extensions on natural hairs or scalp can be little difficult but it gives a natural and stylish look when finishes up. You should not try it at home at all. Infact, it’s always recommended to get this task done by your hair stylist. Also, if compared then fusion method is much easier to apply than gluing one. Due to which it’s little more expensive than the latter one.

Hair extension can be a real transformer for your outer looks. It would not only enhance your face & features but would also build your inner confidence. But choosing the right hair extension is a real task and you should search well before opting for any particular extension. If you don’t think that you would be able to choose the correct one, then consult your hair stylist or a branded salon.