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Retro dresses style

Retro dresses style

What are Retro styled Dresses?

Retro, is a latin work that means backward and refers to anything that imitates or is gained by features and attributes of the recent past, at least 20 to 50 years old. So retro dresses typically are those that are in fact new, but makes uses of design ideas, fabrics, colors and patterns from the past. It brings about a nostalgic feel. The clothing used is mostly outdated and is complemented by wearing heavy makeup and metallic jewels. It might not suit all and sundry, however an individual wearing it is definitely considered a fashion icon as it undoubtedly makes them stand out. Fabric for creating this look can be found at some yard sale or flea market.

Types of Retro Dresses:

  1. The hippie style of Retro dresses is from fabrics used in the late 1960’s. One of the most emblem of that era is bell bottomed pants. They are trousers that had widened and are sharply flared at the bottom. Even corduroy trousers and skirts were typically flared toward the bottom and had bright, flowery design motifs on them.
  2. Disco refers to clothing that was worn in the seventies. It also had bell-bottomed trousers as an important feature, but also had mismatched patterns and huge collar. The fabric that was commonly used includes tweed and polyester. Jazzy beads were added to create a funky look.
  3. The zoot suit was a style that was in trend during the forties and consisted of padded shoulders and loose, baggy legs that were tapered at the ankles. For ladies, it was the wiggle dresses that were closely fitted below the waist.