Coloring your hair with a red hair color might turn out to be the best decision for you. Red color is very popular nowadays since some shades of red suits the faces and hair type of everyone. The range of shades in red varies between strawberry blond and fiery copper. There are many other shades that lie between these two shades. However, the difficult part is determining which shade is perfect for you. If you are thinking of coloring your hair with red color, there are certain things that you should necessarily consider.
The first and foremost thing you should know about red hair color is that red color fades away very fast. In fact, it fades faster than all the other colors. This obviously means that you have to put in some extra effort for the maintenance of your hair if you want it to keep looking good. Additionally, you can use some hair products that prevents the hair color from fading away and does some damage protection. You need to use these products from the day you color your hair. You cannot keep waiting till the color starts fading away.
Sunlight is not good for your hair if you have dyed your hair with red hair color. So, you should prevent going out in the sun as much as possible. Even if you have to go out in the sun, try to protect your hair with stuffs like hat and cap. Another thing you should know that you have to color your hair more frequently if you are dying your hair red. This is done to prevent the hair from looking faded and flat.
There are various shades of red color. The red orange tones are considered to be one of the most natural looking shade of red. On the other hand, shades based on blue-red and red-red are the ones that looks the leas natural. This obviously does not mean that you should not use these shades. Although they are unnatural, they look equally fascinating. If you want a natural red hair color, you can choose light strawberry or copper.
If you are dying your hair red, it is recommended that you color your hair in a salon by a professional hair stylist. A good hair stylist will help you in determining which red hair color ideas are perfect for you. The investment would be totally worth it. You should get your coloring right for at least the first time. The stylist would recommend a shade of red depending on the complexion of your skin. Brunettes should stick with the darker shade of red while blonds look best with hair colored with lighter shades of red. You can go for an intermediate shade if you skin color is medium brown.